Custom Outreach Media for churches

Get more first-time guests with custom digital media

Take the guesswork out of digital outreach and let us create a custom website, video assets, and social media campaigns that will help you get more first time guests and further the kingdom of God.

We’ve worked with churches just like yours…

Does your church struggle to leverage digital media as an outreach tool?

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. Most ministries struggle because…

Pastors & staff don't have time to master changing technology

Most pastors work an average of 55 hours a week, which means there’s little time for you to learn about the latest social algorithm update or camera launch.

Learning digital media feels overwhelming

You’ve dedicated your life to preaching God’s Word and loving people, but mastering a whole other area of ministry seems daunting.

Its hard to find pros that understand ministry

Your church is not a business, which makes it’s difficult to find creative companies that speaks your language. You’re not trying to “sell” Jesus.

Professional media equipment is expensive

Most churches cannot afford to purchase photo or video equipment, especially if you might not know how to use it. Investing in new gear can be a risk.

We don’t want your church to miss out on the thousands of potential visitors you could be reaching online. That’s why Magnify Church Media has created custom outreach content for churches to help them get more first-time guests and reach more people for Christ.

Custom digital media for churches

We create digital media for churches so that they can more effectively reach their community for Christ

The Gospel is too important to be hindered by a bad online presence. Start using the most effective media tools available to connect with your community, build trust, and reach your ministry’s goals.

Here’s how we can work together

Three ways we can help your church reach more people:

Website Development

The website is the cornerstone of digital outreach. We don’t use templates or charge monthly fees.

Content Creation

We’ll craft the words, videos, & photos needed to build trust with prospective visitors online.

Social Media Outreach

Connect with people in the new digital square by leveraging social media to maximize your reach.

What can our services do for your ministry?

We are so glad you asked.

Boost community awareness

People can’t visit your church if they don’t know you exist. Our outreach media is capable of introducing you to thousands of people that are interested in attending one of your services.

Maximize your outreach

The personal touch of a home visit still works, but why not maximize your efforts by connecting with thousands of people in a personal way through online outreach?

Build trust with people

Building trust is the key to every lasting relationship. If you want people to commit to visiting your church, they need to be informed about who you are and what your mission is.

Raise (a lot) of funds

By God’s grace, our media has raised over a million dollars in support for missionaries, institutions, and church projects. A good video or website will often go farther than any letter, meeting, or campaign.

Stand out from the noise

People see hundreds of digital ads every week. Why not stand out above the noise and engage them through authentic media that leaves a lasting impression.

Do more with less

Pound for pound, online media is the most efficient way to engage people in your community. Using digital outreach tools is good stewardship of God’s funds.

Project Case Studies

Website development

A website that shines the Light in Irvine, California

When Pastor James Kim (church planter to Irvine, California) contacted us about building a new website for their brand new church, we jumped at the opportunity. Every aspect of this website was created with the prospective guest in mind, making it as easy as possible for someone to visit City Light Baptist Church.

Content Creation

Building trust with prospective visitors through video

Grayson Bible Baptist Church has been a long time client of ours, but when we pitched to them our new content creation service, they happily agreed. They already had a beautiful, functional, and informative website but adding professional video content has maximized its effectiveness in building trust with guests.

SOcial media outreach

Engaging people online in the new social square

Peak View Baptist Church is a brand new church located in the Colorado Springs area. The leadership at Peak View wanted an effective way to spread the word about their new church. With the help of several members, we created a series of social media videos with the goal of inviting guests to visit a service in a personal way.

 Here are more things we’ve created

We’ve done a lot of creative things over the last several years. Not everything fits into our standard service offerings but they all further the kingdom of God in some way. We are proud of that.

Deputation Video

Shaffers to Kansas City, MO

Christian School Video

Central Baptist Academy

Church Website Video

Grayson Bible Baptist Church

Ministry Story Video

Creation Experience Museum

Are you ready to reach

more people online?


What are ministry leaders saying about Magnify Church Media?

"We had a great experience with Magnify Church Media"

The professionalism and the product were just what you would expect. We are very pleased with the results and plan to use them again for future video’s. I give my highest recommendation to anyone considering this company. You will not be disappointed! Christian and Sarah are fun to work with and produce the best in pictures and video designed to meet your needs!

Pastor John Waterloo, Central Baptist Church

"People just don't tolerate BAD presentations anymore!"

So up-to-date video is critical to at LEAST not create a bad impression. But MAGNIFY CHURCH MEDIA takes it even further. It’s not just fine—it is excellent. Phenomenal quality and a perfect way to catch attention.

Pastor Bryan Shaffer, Fountain City Baptist Church

"Incredible, first-class work"

Magnify Church Media is not only an immense blessing and joy to work with, but they also do incredible, first-class work. I would highly recommend this company for any media needs your church or ministry might have!

Pastor Micah Lassater, Sun City Baptist Church

video has proven to be most effective

The results are in; video is the undefeated champ of digital media

Based on recent statistics, it is clear that video has far outpreformed all other forms of media communication. More than ever, now is the time to invest in quality videos that reach more people. Let us create a video for your ministry that will authentically communicate your message and vision to others who need to hear it.


retention rate of information from video


of users prefer video content vs. static ads


of online user traffic is now video


more likely to click through from video

7 mistakes to avoid when leveraging video for outreach

Get the complete guide so that you don’t waste money and time using videos that are ineffective at reaching more people.

Magnify Church Media is a full-service video agency for churches and Christian organizations. We create videos that effectively engage people online.

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